Paulo Lara (Brazil)

Paulo Lara (Brazil)

Paulo Lara (Brazil)

The artist and architect, Paulo Lara, has the foundation of his work in the distortion of the drawing with multi-perspectives drawn by hand, without the use of software, using charcoal in paper, then copying it to a canvas.

With light and shadow effects, vibrating colors and an exclusive personality he can reach fantastic effects on volume where everything seems to be moving.

His main inspiration for the works is the city where he lives and works, the touristic city of ITU-SP, with hundreds of old and modern constructions, resulting in a mixture of historic and modern elements.

You can notice a groups, in some pieces, of old and new – but it is always possible to identify that each piece in unique inside its own context and time.


Collective Show @ Lourve Paris, France 2013

2º Salão de Outono em São Paulo, Brazil 2013

The 4º Salão Internacional de Artes Visuais  AIAP/IAP – 2014




White Porch Gallery @ R House
2727 2nd Avenue NW
Wynwood Miami, FL 33127
(786) 529-5304


White Porch Inn Art Hotel
7 Johnson Street
Provincetown, MA 02657
(508) 364-2549


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